Circulation fans are an important feature that comes with all Avallo Accumonitors (except for the "EZ" model"). Circulation fans help even off humidity in a cabinet, and that little bit of extra air circulation can help prevent mold.
All Avallo cigar cabinets are built with proper air circulation in mind. In small cabinets, we usually install 2 circulation fans on the very top, rear wall of the cabinet. In larger cabinets, we also install 2 more circulation fans about half way up the rear wall of the cabinet.
In some homemade cabinets, and "Made In China" cabinets, air circualtion was not considered in the design. These cabinets are prone to uneven humidity and mold problems.
The Accumonitors extra circulation fans can help solve these uneven humidity problems.
Look at the pictures below to see fan placement in our cabinets, and in customer cabinets.
Installation tip... Use velcro to attach the fans to your cabinet. That will make it easy for you to move the fans around your cabinet until your find the best placement for your fans.